CBSE Results 2024

School Life

ISD Clubs

"ISD to be the most preferred Indian Community School".


The Photography Club aims at fostering a vibrant and inclusive community of photography enthusiasts on campus. Its various activities, competitions, and workshops have not only improved members' technical skills but also encouraged creativity and personal growth. The club's impact extends beyond its members, positively influencing the wider campus community by showcasing the beauty of the surroundings through captivating photographs.
The Photography Club of the school was born out of the very idea that education in its broader sense encompasses both formal and informal education, inside and outside the classroom. The club organizes annual training for its members by taking them on field trips to provide hands-on experience in lighting and exposure which offers these amateur photographers a rich learning experience that helps them to hone their skill and updates them with latest trends and techniques in photography.
The activities emphasize the introduction of basic principles of photography and its importance in today’s society to help them develop their skills in taking good photos and showing examples of photographs that demonstrate different techniques and styles.





The Wikipedia Club aims to identify students who have a flair for quizzing and create opportunities for them to sharpen their quizzing skills. This club motivates, inspires, encourages and rewards children in their quest for knowledge. During the club activities, teachers guide and engage the students in various activities like newspaper reading, updating the current affairs, exploring the General Knowledge books, quizzing among themselves by forming teams and thus motivating them to self-improvement and nurture their talent in quizzing. The main aim of the quiz club is to instil in our students’ the knowledge, wisdom and compassion to make them global citizens.


Dance Club

Very interactive sessions with the perfect mix of theory and practice. The dance forms of India are so diverse and to be able to appreciate each of them, knowledge of the “mudras” goes a long way . Perfectly balance sessions of mudras and dance forms continue at the club.




Music knows no boundaries and at ISD the members of this club have a fair share of learning compositions in various languages. This gives them the ability to understand the rhythm, lyrics and styles of music across a wide spectrum of dialects. Music club in our schools is a great way to get children interested in music and to provide them with an opportunity to learn about it. We teach kids how to read music, and how to play instruments, and give them the chance to perform for their peers. We provide a pressure free environment for students to perform solo and group performances, give the students many practical skills for life, including confidence, self esteem and motivation.




Art Attack

An art club is a place where students can master arts and hone their individual skills. From mixed medium to water color and traditional oil painting, high school students can find where their unique talents lie and explore new avenues of enrichment and expression.
Art clubs have a unique ability to unlock the true potential of creativity within students of our school. These vibrant communities provide a supportive environment where artists can gather, learn, and flourish. A young child brimming with imagination or is seeking an expressive outlet, our art club offers a space where inspiration knows no bounds.
Artistic expression is a powerful means of communication and self-discovery. It allows us to convey emotions, ideas, and stories that words alone may struggle to articulate. Art clubs harness this power by providing a nurturing space where students can explore their creativity, learn new techniques, and gain invaluable insights from fellow artists.
By participating in art club activities, students can expand their artistic horizons, explore different mediums, and push the boundaries of their own creativity. The camaraderie and constructive feedback received within an art club can be immensely valuable for personal growth and artistic development.



Tech Tribe (IT Club)

The IT club's primary purpose is to establish an inclusive and supportive environment in which students can explore, learn, and thrive in the field of information technology. These clubs offer a platform for students to exchange their knowledge and expertise with one another, fostering peer-to-peer learning and facilitating discussions on emerging technologies.
Furthermore, IT clubs play a crucial role in raising awareness about the latest developments in the tech world, including discussions on current tech trends and emerging technologies, along with their societal impacts. They provide valuable opportunities for students to expand their networks by connecting with like-minded peers, faculty members, and professionals in the tech industry.
Beyond the technical aspects, IT Clubs also offer a social platform for students to connect, build friendships, and enjoy themselves. They serve as a valuable resource for students seeking to broaden their understanding of information technology, gain practical experience, and establish connections with peers who share a passion for technology. In doing so, these clubs play a significant role in fostering a tech-savvy and innovative community within educational institutions.


Sparkle Club

Classes I & II

Different clubs are formed to bolster the skills of Classes 1 & 2 students, which will help them to explore interests and create broader perspective. Five clubs were formed in the academic year 2022- 23 and they are named based on their activities. The activities will be rotated to each class on weekly basis.

  1. Paint and Glitters ( art and craft)
  2. Fun Pun ( reading, speaking, recitation etc)
  3. Ta Ra Rum Club ( music and dance)
  4. Eco Body Club ( health, safety and environment)
  5. Whiz Kid Club ( quiz)
Paint and Glitters club conducts art and craft activities. It helps to improve a child's creativity, motor skills, and imagination.
Fun Pun Club conducts language & literature-based activities which will help to enhance Speaking & Reading skills. Poem Recitation, reading site words, reading stories, storytelling etc. are conducted under this club. These activities unleash the creative skills, improves the communication skills and boosts the confidence and instil reading habits.
Ta Ra Rum Club activities are meant to energize kids through Music and dance, which will help the kids to improve their mental health flexibility. During this activity children dance, sing and enjoy the maximum. It helps to boost up the morale of students and to highlight the talent of dance, music and creativity. It provides opportunities to dance & music lovers to prove their talent and it is a good platform for them to have their artistic exploration.
Eco Body Club activities are conducted to create an awareness about health, safety and environment among the kids. Videos are shown and some hands-on activities are also conducted, under this club. It helps to instil a sense of responsibility in the students regarding their own and their near one's safety, health and about the surroundings.
The Whiz Kid Club conducts quizzes based on different topics. It encourages fun learning methods and also enhances general knowledge. It helps to popularize quizzing activities among students and expose the quizzing talents of students.




The children of Kindergarten have club activities once in every month. The Kinder club aims to promote and develop their innate and creative abilities and enhance their aesthetic sense from a very early stage in life.
Student activities in Kinder Club support the goals of teaching to be more confident, responsible and giving opportunities that develop character, critical thinking, problem solving, team building, peer learning and leadership skills.
The Kinder club has these four clubs which have various activities.

  1. Do Re Me Club- Music
  2. Boogie Woogie Club - Dance
  3. Healthy Hearts Club - Health, Safety and Environment
  4. Tell A Tale Club- Story Telling
The clubs cater to the holistic development of the child’s multiple intelligences in a fun way method that is, both Life Skill incorporated and Value based.



Beyond Balance

Yoga club helps to spread scientific awareness and the benefits of Yoga among students. The club organizes a variety of activities for students to attain a higher level of consciousness of Yoga Education. The students actively practice Yoga to manage stress, improve the mind-body connection, and increase strength and flexibility. The science behind yoga develops all-round development and transforms students into responsible citizens of the world. Our yoga club works for the mission to enhance the physical, mental, spiritual, and social health of the students through the regular practice of Yoga. Students in yoga club master in yoga exercises, asanas, pranayama, meditation, self-introspection practices etc. Clubs serve as an opportunity to train students for various interschool yoga competitions thereby increasing their strength and flexibility. The integration of Yoga in present curriculum through our club has endorsed students’ values to reform attitude and behavior, develop refined personality so as to make them a complete wellbeing



The game of chess holds a unique fascination. The strategic complexities offer lively minds an immediate challenge and stimulating exercise. It can be played for fun, or with increasing degrees of seriousness up to the highest levels of international competition. The goal of a chess club is to introduce students to a game that is more than just a game. Besides being fun to learn and play, chess is about strategy and critical thinking. It is a game that challenges students to think about their actions and ultimately the consequences of those actions. It fosters critical thinking and problem solving skills and can improve concentration and mental discipline which can benefit our students not just on the chessboard but in all of their academics and even athletics as well.
Chess teaches children about sportsmanship. Children learn how to win graciously, and more importantly, how not to give up when encountering defeat. Chess encourages and rewards hard work. Children learn that, those who practice and study the strategies win more games. The chess club of our school works on the objectives to develop cognitive skills such as attention, memory, decision-making and creativity of students, to teach basic understanding of the rules of chess, for beginners, as well as critical analysis of the tactics of the game for more advanced players, to conduct organized chess tournaments and to promote interest in International Chess. Our chess club encourages study, prepare to achieve pre-set objectives and thereby enabling individual improvement.



Conserve to preserve.

Eco club or green club promotes the participation of students in learning about and improving their environment. Our earth can only continue to sustain us if we protect its biodiversity.
To empower students, “to be the change our sustainable world needs” we need to engage them in fun, action-orientated and socially responsible learning. Eco Club plays an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation. The students are educated and inspired to inculcate sustainable habits and practices. They are trained to be advocates, who will ultimately possess a sense of responsibility towards the environment and forge a lifelong habit to serve the Mother Earth. Eco club trains the students in activities like launching awareness campaigns on environmental issues, showing eco-themed movies and documentaries, hosting a green speaker series, creating an eco-themed newsletter or blog, organizing eco-themed field trips, quiz, poster making, painting, planting saplings etc. Eco club stands as a forum through which students can reach out to influence engage their parents and neighbourhood communities to promote sound environmental behaviour.




Grooming is a commitment that indirectly teaches you many life skills. As children, self-grooming trainings helps them prepare for their future and teaches the way they care for themselves, for their families and ultimately the society at large. It is a practice that is taught to children and used to maintain cleanliness and orderliness in their lives, thus making them better citizens of the world.
Training includes:

  • Explore grooming.
  • Types of grooming.
  • Activities to demonstrate a well-groomed person.
  • Introduction to presentation skills.





Logical Speakers (VI-VIII)

Logical Speaking is a club designed for an enticing prospect so that students will be able to organize, interpret, and evaluate evidence and ideas within and across disciplines; draw reasoned inferences and defensible conclusions, and solve problems and make decisions based on analytical processes. They learn to identify problems, analyze them and evaluate the topics assigned.
The club is an interactive session where it gives chance to open up and speak what’s in the student’s latent mind without any fear.
The classes being transacted in an embracing environment around to share the experiences together, the students definitely improve their oratory skills and enrich their vocabulary.

English CLUB


The Varamozhy Malayalam Club emphasizes on a child's holistic growth. The club conducts a variety of activities, such as quizzes, reading challenges, short movie making, farming, classroom library and career-focused activities which helps them to develop their talents. The forthcoming plans include the Radio Club and Manuscripts Magazines.



The School Mathematics Club includes a group of vibrant and enthusiastic students dedicated to promote their love and understanding of Mathematics. Over the past academic year, we have organised various activities, exhibitions, art integrated geometrical constructions, applied construction models, games etc. to foster their passion within our school community.
We hold problem-solving sessions where students from different grade levels come together to work on intriguing mathematical puzzles and problems. These sessions not only enhance their problem-solving abilities but also facilitate cross-grade interaction. Several students are trained to participate in the local and regional Math competitions. Matheletes, the School Mathematics Club, has been a hub of mathematical exploration and fun throughout the year. The club enables the children to improve their observation skills by forming various number patterns, complete visualisation and comprehension of Mathematical concepts, learn about the history of Mathematics, Mathematicians and their contributions to the world etc. We are excited to continue our mission of spreading the joy of Mathematics.


Power Zone Club

Physical activities play a crucial role in academic success. Regular physical activity can improve concentration and memory retention, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, enhance creativity and problem-solving skills. Exercise and physical activity are great ways to feel better. boost your health and have fun. For the fitness routine to be successful, exercise must be convenient. Power zone club was initiated to bring about fitness among the students in a professional manner. A good quality health and fitness session is provided in a safe environment. The students are trained in activities that meet their personal fitness goals.
The students who are a part of the power zone club gain a tremendous opportunity to perform with all the energy and enthusiasm in various sports activities that challenge them every year.

Power Zone Club

Safety Squad

Health and Safety Club, better known as ‘Safety Squad’ is one of the several clubs working very vibrantly at Indian School Darsait. The primary purpose of the club is to give sufficient awareness to children on their health and safety at school, home and other places. The club also aims at equipping children with the required skills so that they may face and overcome any challenge in their life or any impending threat that may spoil the joys of school life. Keeping things in perspective, the club members meet once in two weeks and engage themselves in watching safety videos, PPTs on do’s and don’ts regarding safety measures during an emergency situation, road/travel safety, picnics and other outings. The club is also planning to give hands on experience in Fire Drill, First Aid in sudden and certain health issues, probable minor injuries and consequent collapse during outdoor games and other physical activities. Moreover, the Club provides an inclusive, welcoming forum for the members to participate and have a voice in order to maintain a culture of school safety and vigilance in a secure school environment.

Mock Fire Drill

Safety Squad