CBSE Results 2024

ISD News

Indian School Darsait

Monthly activities of Sparkle Club

Truly, Creativity fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones. The eager minds of classes1 and 2 proved it by participating in their respective club activities wholeheartedly and making the most out of it.

The Sparkle Club activity for the month was conducted on 10th April 2022 in the last 2 periods. All the 9 sections had different club activity to begin with.

In Glitters and paint club class IA students brought glittery smiles in the class by doing a craft activity. Class II A students made a paper elephant puppet as the activity of club. The curious learners made a diligent effort to accomplish the task by giving their best.

Through videos and stories Eco Body Club of class IB gave an important lesson of Health is wealth to all students. Healthy food habits were emphasized. Personal hygiene was stressed and a demo was given to inculcate table manners during recess time. Students of class IIB had an integrated topics for the same. Use of magic words, importance of good habits and healthy eating was integrated along with the role play for good touch and bad touch.

Pun Fun Club Activity filled class I C with happiness when the little ones sang their heart out. The students felt connected and showed great excitement in singing rhymes and songs. Students sharpened the language skills through the club activity. Children were divided into 5 different groups. Story reading, sequencing the events of the story and arranging words in order overflowed the class with smiles and cheers.

The joyful faces of Class I D tapped their feet with enthusiasm to follow the dance steps showed by teacher during the Ta Ra Rum Club. The laughter and smiles on the lively faces said it all. The Students of Class II E had a lively dance and music session as the activity of Tara Rum Pum Club. The vibrant faces expressed feeling of happiness as they sang and dance.

Whiz Quiz Club activity kindled enthusiasm and team spirit in the inquisitive minds of Class II C. Solving riddles, identifying famous personalities and unscrambling words- built bridges between the students. The loud applaud after scoring points for the team thrilled the students.

All together the club activities were fun learning experience for everyone with a bundle of joy as takeaway.