CBSE Results 2024

ISD News

Indian School Darsait

World Book Day

“Reading is a vital skill and it is important that we encourage love of reading in kids from a young age”– rightly said by James Patterson.

The students of classes I and II observed World Book Day on 24th April 2022. Books are uniquely portable magic and to spread the magical impact of books different activities were planned.

Read so you never feel alone the theme of World Book Day 2022 was made interesting and memorable. Class I students made a book mark and wrote a caption on it. Creativity of each child was depicted through their book mark.

The students of class II were asked to bring their favourite book and design the cover page for the book or draw the favourite character from the story. Children came up with variety of drawings as per their books. They thoroughly enjoyed sketching their favourite characters and had a majestic experience of being with the characters. The cheerful smiles narrated the emotions of each child.