CBSE Results 2024

ISD News

Indian School Darsait

ISD Connects with Nature on World Environment Day

Indian School Darsait organized an awareness programme on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June by joining the 2022 World Environment Day Campaign #OnlyOneEarth that advocates for transformative environmental change on a global scale.

The students of class IX B conducted a special assembly as the culmination of the day’s celebration. The highlights of the programme included a speech on Importance of Environment Day, a poem, a recitation on Mother Earth along with a video presentation while the school choir enthralled all with a melodious song to create awareness on saving the environment. In his message, the Principal brought to the students’ attention the rarity of our planet Earth in the endless universe that we live in and spoke about the present-day scenario of our environment. He accentuated the steps to be taken proactively to make our environment healthy not only as part of this celebration, but as a way of life.

Mr. Amar Srivastava, Principal and Mrs. Geeta Chauhan, Vice Principal took part in the programme by planting trees inside the campus. The Environmental Club in-charge and Club members, too, played their active role to make the tree plantation campaign a remarkable one wherein around 60 saplings were brought by students themselves. A poster making competition was also conducted for classes VI to XII as part of the day’s celebration. These proactive methods of increasing green cover in and around the school gave students the opportunity to ponder over how easy it was to contribute towards the replenishing of mother nature. The Departments of Biology & Co-scholastic also contributed immensely to the success of the celebration.